Don't Talk About The Pentagon Leaks - Today on Tony Katz Today
Nat Sec spokesperson John Kirby doesn't want anyone talking about the leak...but we are going to go ahead and do it anyway. Stephen J. Yates joins us to discuss what is in the documents and the consequences of these leaks.
Shooting in Louisville, the livestream of the murder, and why Biden and Karine Jean Pierre continue to blame Republicans for upholding the Second Amendment. The problem is not the guns, it is the society.
Trans activists say the "cis-ness is the wound, the delusion, the lie" and we shouldn't be surprised by this leap in ideological purity. Plus, Megan Rapinoe and Sue Bird- yesterday's feminists are today's misogynists.
What is the real situation on the ground in Israel? Daniel Aschheim, Deputy Consul General at the Consulate General of Israel to the Midwest, joins us to discuss Judicial reform and rocket attacks in Israel.
The Covid Emergency is over. That's it. It's over.