Yesterday, while some were attacking me….
I held a fundraiser yesterday for a small charity called Brownsburg Blessing Boxes. They provide food for people in need in Brownsburg, Indiana, a suburb of Indianapolis.
We did three hours of live radio. There was a food truck and beer and cigars. Donations gave people a chance to win some amazing prizes. And there were hundreds of people who came out to support the cause. Many of them brought lawn chairs; they camped out and watched the shows and enjoyed themselves. All while raising money to help people they didn’t know.
While this was happening, trolls on Twitter were screaming about how I was defending a rapist. You didn’t read that wrong. That’s what they said. Why? Because when the Indianapolis Star first reported about the rape of a 10 year old girl who got an abortion in Indiana, I - along with many others - thought the reporting had serious issues. I asked questions about the reporting, and the vetting process.
Progressives, who demand you believe everything they want you to believe, screamed that I was attacking this child (I wasn’t, of course.) And, in typical progressive fashion, this has now escalated to, in their words, defending a rapist.
Social media is a dumpster fire. It’s a place for anger and hate and this kind of character attack. It’s one of the many reasons I’m moving everything over to Locals.
But while they are engaging in (and failing at) character assassination, we were raising near $11,000 for our neighbors who are hungry.
This is yet another example of ignoring the mob, and their noise. Just because the world may be crazy doesn’t mean you or I have to be. And it’s always gratifying and humbling and empowering to see all of the people who aren’t interested in being crazy, either.
I’m on the air on Monday, with radio and videos. See you then and there.